Australian Biofouling Management Guidelines

australian biofouling management guidelines

Marine pests can have significant impacts on the marine environment, human health and the economy. Such impacts include the destruction of marine habitats and adverse effects on tourism, fishing, marine industries and coastal values. As per the new guidelines set by the Australian government which was effective from June 2022, all vessels that enter or … Read more


Nereus Subsea is proud to sponsor the Mariners’ Premier League 2022 in Singapore. Different Teams from the marine industry will come together for this event and take part in this prestigious tournament. Nereus Subsea is extremely happy to share its support for Mariner’s Premier League (MPL) 2022 happening in Singapore on 19th August to 21st … Read more

Decarbonization In Marine Industry

decarbonization in marine industry

The marine industry is an enormously significant part of global trade, considering how various goods are transported by sea. In this scenario, there have been tremendous amounts of dialogue on the importance of decarbonizing the marine industry. Currently, shipping represents a major portion of the global greenhouse gas emission and it is up to the … Read more

Nereus Subsea Bags Singapore SME 500 Award 2022

nereus sme 500 award

SME 500 Award is considered one of Singapore’s highly regarded business accolades Nereus Subsea’s contributions to the maritime industry and SME sector recognized Singapore, 20 May 2022: Singapore Association of Trade and Commerce (ATC) announced an annual business award that recognizes Singapore’s performing SMEs for quality, capability, and excellence.  Nereus Subsea – Asia’s leading commercial … Read more

Overview of Underwater Repair – Blanking and Cofferdams


  There is no questioning the fact that operating in or near-water is a complex and challenging task. If you are looking for cofferdams in underwater ship repair, you should know that these require adequate planning, highly qualified and experienced diving professionals, and correct gauging of the relevant environmental, safety, and water management concerns. We … Read more

Nereus Subsea – Official Exhibitors at Seatrade Expo 2020

seatrade expo 2020

Nereus Subsea Intent on Making a Mark at Seatrade Maritime Middle East Seatrade Maritime Middle East Business Event, highly popular for its maritime business networking, seminars and other recognitions, is being held from the 13th to 15th of December at the Dubai Exhibition Centre, Dubai Expo 2020. As a highly enticing event, Seatrade is drawing … Read more

Use of Cofferdams for Underwater Ship Repair

Underwater Ship Repair

Cofferdam are used to complete more complex in-water ship repairs andmaintenance tasks. It provides temporary sealed-off space that allows dry-environment for carrying out repair and maintenance on the external sections of ahull, while ship remains afloat. Cofferdams are frequently required to executerepairs to vessel hulls, especially if costly off-hires or even unscheduled dockings areto be … Read more